Θερινό Σχολείο \”Spinalonga 2023. Το στίγμα στην Ιατρική: Ιστορική, Ηθική και Κοινωνικο-Οικονομική Προσέγγιση\”

Ημερομηνία 03/07/2023 - 06/07/2023, 12:00 πμ
Τοποθεσία Ariadne beach hotel
Διεύθυνση Gargadoros, Agios Nikolaos
Επιστημονική Εταιρεία / Φορέας National and Kapodistrian University of Athens
Τηλέφωνο 6973606804
Email mariannakaramanou@yahoo.com
Website grammateia.med.uoa.gr/viewtopic.php?t=6116

The Summer School “Spinalonga 2023. Stigma in Medicine: a Historical, Ethical and Socio-Economic Approach” is organized by the Department of History of Medicine and Medical Ethics of the Medical School, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Greece. This three-day summer school will provide theoretical and practical training (workshops) in stigma related diseases and social discrimination. We will also discuss applications to reveal and manage stigma in medicine, using real world examples. During the summer school extracurricular activities will take place for free such as a guided tour at Spinalonga Island (a leper colony of the past), as well as, guided tours in museums and places of historical interest. Upon successful completion of the school, a certificate with ECVET/ECTS credits will be awarded.
Registration fee: 100 euro
Registration form: https://forms.gle/pR2ZNE63KGLD2gyK6
Contact details: Dr. Spyros Michaleas, Research Associate, (sp.michaleas@cosmotemail.gr) and Prof. Marianna Karamanou, (mariannakaramanou@yahoo.com), Medical School, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens


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