Diagnostic and Research Perspectives in Histopathology

Ημερομηνία 21/04/2021, Ολοήμερο
Τοποθεσία Online
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Επιστημονική Εταιρεία / Φορέας Hellenic Oncology Forum
Website mcusercontent.com/4b9587da1afd35c772f04821f/files/2d1403c5-7cb8-445f-82b4-366d11a7bcc7/Program___2nd_webinar___Unkonwn_primary_dilemmas_and_challenges___21.04.2021.02.pdf
The webinar series organized by Hellenic Oncology Forum entitled “Diagnostic and Research Perspectives in Histopathology” bring together experts from various fields of cancer care in order to make familiar a broad audience with current diagnostic and research issues in cancer pathology and oncology. It is within our scope to promote interactions and encourage stimulating discussions between speakers, chair panels and participants, as well as to favor new collaborations.

We would like to invite you to participate in the 2nd webinar “Unknown Primary: dilemmas and challenges”


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