EAS Advanced Course in Rare Lipid Disorders

Ημερομηνία 27/09/2024, 9:00 πμ - 4:30 μμ
Διεύθυνση ,
Επιστημονική Εταιρεία / Φορέας EAS / HAS
Επαγγελματίας Οργανωτής / PCO Conferre SA
Τηλέφωνο 26510 68610
Email arieta@conferre.gr
Website eas-society.org/education/rare-lipid-disorder-courses/

Dear colleagues and fellow researchers,

We are excited to invite you to the Advanced course on Rare Lipid Disease, to be held in Athens, on September 27th, 2024. This exclusive event will be designed to deepen our knowledge and understanding of rare lipid diseases and their intricate mechanisms.

The programme drafted under the guidance of the European Atherosclerosis Society, in cooperation with the Hellenic Atherosclerosis Society, presents a diverse range of educational sessions and a wide variety of topics spanning from diagnostics and guidelines, to therapy and prevention, alongside valuable insights into the latest research and treatment strategies.

Considering the educational nature of the event, the number of attendees will be limited to ensure an optimal learning experience for everyone involved.

Deadline to register: June 31
⯈ Priority will be given to EAS members.
⯈ Non-EAS members that will be selected to participate, will receive an one-year complimentary EAS membership.
Notifications will be sent out July 15 to inform you whether you have secured a spot or not.

Language: English

Rare Lipid Disorder Courses

On behalf of the Organizing Committee,
The Course directors
Evangelos Liberopoulos
Professor, School of Medicine,
National and Kapodistrian University of Athens

Haralampos Milionis
Professor, School of
Medicine, University of Ioannina


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