webinar: “Virtual MDT with Live Voting; Critical Decisions in Borderline Cases” on Saturday, May 25th, 2024.

Ημερομηνία 25/05/2024, 10:00 πμ
Διεύθυνση ,
Επιστημονική Εταιρεία / Φορέας Ελληνική Χειρουργική Εταιρεία Μαστού
Επαγγελματίας Οργανωτής / PCO PRC CONGRESS &TRAVEL
Τηλέφωνο 2107711673
Email congress3@prctravel.gr
Website www prctravel.gr

Dear all,

It is our great pleasure to invite you to the upcoming EXEM, Hellenic Society of Breast Surgeons (HSBS) webinar: “Virtual MDT with Live Voting; Critical Decisions in Borderline Cases” on Saturday, May 25th, 2024.
This annual webinar, organized by HSBS, focuses on discussing challenging cases in a Multi-Disciplinary Team meeting setting. Team members express their opinions and comment on the decisions presented. The audience will also have the opportunity to live vote for the best management option for each case from a selection of choices.
The success of this Virtual MDT meeting has been consistent in the last years, with broad and lively participation. For the second consecutive year, the “Virtual MDT with Live Voting; Critical Decisions in Borderline Cases” will maintain an international character. We welcome an international panel of presenters, commentators and coordinators who will express, challenge, agree, and disagree on each discussed case.
The webinar will be divided into two parts, each lasting 2 hours and 40 minutes, with two 15-minute satellite lectures during the lunch break. We look forward to your participation on this exciting event.

With kind regards,
Vassilis Venizelos
Head of Breast Unit
Director of Breast Clinic
Metropolitan Hospital
President of Hellenic Society of Breast Surgeons
Athens, Greece

Sophocles Lanitis
Breast Surgeon,
Director of 2nd Surgery Clinic
Red Cross Hospital
Vice President of Hellenic Society of Breast Surgeons
Athens, Greece

Michalis Kontos
Professor of Breast and General Surgery,
National and Kapodistrian University of Athens
Laiko University Hospital
Athens, Greece


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